06 October 2023
Akra Jazz Festival Closes With Fazıl Say
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The sixth Antalya Akra Jazz Festival, which uniting renowned figures in jazz and world music with art enthusiasts, ended on October 06-07 with two concerts of world-renowned pianist and composer Fazıl Say's highly praised new composition "Mother Earth."

Serenad Bağcan accompanied Fazıl Say with her powerful voice, along with two prominent jazz musicians, Volkan Hürsever (double bass) and Ferit Odman (drums). At the same time, Yekta Kopan presented the piece, receiving applause from the audience that lasted for minutes

Organized by Akra Hotels and sponsored by Turkish Airlines as the transportation sponsor, the 6th Antalya Akra Jazz Festival brought together art enthusiasts with a lineup featuring Gipsy Kings by Andre Reyes, Dhafer Youssef, Judi Jackson, Buika, İlhan Erşahin, Hüsnü Şenlendirici, Alp Ersönmez, Volkan Öktem, İzzet Kızıl, Çağrı Sertel, Tolga Bilgin, Jelly Beans, Elif Çohaz Quintet, IWS Collective, Igor Butman, Barbara Ubel, Moscow Jazz Orchestra, Fazıl Say, Serenad Bağcan, Volkan Hürsever, Ferit Odman, and Yekta Kopan. The seventh edition of the festival will take place next year between May 24 to June 12, 2024.

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